Lutheran Old Church, Győr
Angster József&Son 1926 – AerisOrgona Kft. 2017.
The first organ of the Lutheran Old Church of Győr was probably built by Ferenc Elgasz, the only organbuilder of that era in the city. This instrument’s late baroque case’s middle front part has been subsisted, stet this, Angster built the church’s new, three-manual, pneumatic system organ in 1926.
In essence, in 1999 the instrument has been modernized. The console has been altered; new hand-switches and electrical Setzer-combinations has been built in. With this the instrument lost its typical touch sensitivity arised from the pneumatic system.
The reconstructioning works started in 2015 in order to recreate the instrument’s original, 1926 condition. The totally destroyed pneumatic action has been reconstructed, the mostly rebuilt console has been restored in its original mode. Moreover, every structural parts have been reconstructed, based on the remaining analogue instruments.
With this reconstruction Hungary’s romantic instrumentpark grew along; after the pneumatic reconstruction in Hajdúböszörmény (East-Hungary), now with the recreating of the organ of Győr (West-Hungary) the reviving of the Angster-tradition is also getting started in the western part of the country.
Pedál (C-f’) | I. Man. (C-a’’’) |
Kontrabass 16’ | Principál 16’ |
Subbass 16’ | Montre 8’ |
Oktavbass 8’ | Bourdon 8’ |
Violoncello 8’ | Praestant 4’ |
Choralbass 4’ | Doublette 2’ |
Bombard 16’ | Zúgóquinta 2 2/3’+2’ |
Trombita 8’ | Kornet 3-5 s 8’ |
Trombita 8’ |
II. Man. (C-a’’’) | III. Man. |
Principál 8’ | Gyengén fedett 16’ |
Salicional 8’ | Diapason 8’ |
Éjikürt 8’ | Viola di Gamba 8’ |
Flauta dolce 4’ | Vox coelestis 8’ |
Quintfuvola 2 2/3’ | Traversfuvola 8’ |
Flageolet 2’ | Zergekürt 4’ |
Mixtura 4x 1 1/3’ | Fl. octav. 4’ |
Krummhorn 8’ | Octavin 2’ |
Plein jeu 4x 2 2/3’ | |
Basson 16’ | |
Cornopean 8’ |
I+II, I+III, I+II sub, I+III super, I+III sub, I+III super
II+III, Tremulant II. man.