About us:
Aeris Orgona Ltd. was founded in order to uplift the rich tradition of organ building in all over the world with the restoration of historic instruments and the construction of new organs with this legacy at heart. Our focus is to authentically restore and reconstruct historical organs, and to build artistically bold and sonically fresh instruments inspired by various
historical styles.
Research is at everyone’s heart in our company. Extensive research is crucial in order to faithfully restore old instruments that have been rebuilt and modernized (often due to a lack of motivation to understand the original conception) so they can be played anew as properly functioning, inspiring instruments of the highest caliber. We find it extremely important to submerge in any given style before attempting to construct a new instrument; we have visited over a hundred historic organs across Europe and we continue to be committed to learn from these instruments in the future. We regularly inspect Europe’s important historical organs, following the development of European restoration and construction practices in our current works that is based on a maximum respect for the original concept.
Our company is committed to help you design and build your new pipe organ that meets your needs, or alternatively to restore your old pipe organ to a bold, fresh instrument. Our company favors hand-made parts and enduring materials found in historic instruments that are proven to withstand many centuries of wear and tear. Our attention to the tiniest detail in each instrument resulted in constructing our own blacksmith forgery, where we forge all of our own casted iron parts. We molt all of our metal pipes on sand giving them a unique timbre through a slow crystallization process. Our research, combined with respect and commitment to the spirit of the greatest art of organ building in Central Europe brings a refreshing new spirit to our instruments and a new breeze into the music they are committed to serve.

AerisOrgona Kft.
2151 Fót, Szilvia u. 5.
Phone: +36 20 8861727
E-mail: aerisorgona@gmail.com